Star India's newly launched general entertainment channel Life OK is scouting for a successor to its 'narrator', Bollywood actor Madhuri Dixit. "Our association with Madhuri Dixit as the channel's sutradhar (narrator) will end in another month's time. The contract was for six months," Life OK general manager Ajit Thakur told PTI on the sidelines of the launch event of a new show Savdhan India.
As sutradhaar Dixit guides viewers about stories in different programmes on the channel and link to the channel's philosophy.
When asked who will replace Dixit he said: "We are currently considering options. It will be some public figure from the field of TV, Bollywood or sports."
Life OK was launched by Star India last year in December. According to Thakur, the channel has been watched by 40 crore Indians since it has gone on air.
Talking about revenue generation he said the channel is exploring digital media besides the conventional TV format.
The channel is also working towards engaging advertisers to be a part of its promotion campaigns to seek better engagement and provide value for money to brands.
"We want to provide an opportunity to our advertisers to be a part of our campaigns and reach out to audience in a much larger way. By doing this we want to provide more value for money to them," he said.
Citing an example he said: "We had engaged Idea for one of our campaigns for Sach Ka Saamna serial."
As sutradhaar Dixit guides viewers about stories in different programmes on the channel and link to the channel's philosophy.
When asked who will replace Dixit he said: "We are currently considering options. It will be some public figure from the field of TV, Bollywood or sports."
Life OK was launched by Star India last year in December. According to Thakur, the channel has been watched by 40 crore Indians since it has gone on air.
Talking about revenue generation he said the channel is exploring digital media besides the conventional TV format.
The channel is also working towards engaging advertisers to be a part of its promotion campaigns to seek better engagement and provide value for money to brands.
"We want to provide an opportunity to our advertisers to be a part of our campaigns and reach out to audience in a much larger way. By doing this we want to provide more value for money to them," he said.
Citing an example he said: "We had engaged Idea for one of our campaigns for Sach Ka Saamna serial."