Recently held in Mumbai 'Your Voice - Press Media Award from the many distinguished men in the Bhojpuri cinema has been honored with the trophy. The major Best Actress Award Bhojpuri star actress' Gunjan Pant 'was. This Award Maker - "Lakshman R 0 Pandey' and the director -" Chunmun pundits' film - "Kisna Kils amazing 'best performance for have been.
The awards, organized 'Your Voice - Press Media' Guardian 'Anjn Goswami, "he said.
On the auspicious occasion of pride and honor of the Bhojpuri cinema Bhojpuri superstar "Kunal Singh, famous singer Udit Narayan", Arun Bakshi, filmmaker - Vishal Bhagat, Director - Jagdish Sharma and Raj Kumar Pandey, in addition to the floral Verma, Bndini Mishra, Rinku Ghosh, Monalisa, Seema Singh, Ricky Gupta, MU Pradeep Pandey, Anara Gupta, Sudip Pandey, Goswami and Big Boss Fame Pooja Mishra, were present.