Vidya Balan’s films started making heads turn and set fire to the Box-Office, she has been the talk of town. After making her presence felt at the Australian Football League recently and walking as the special guest at the on go, Indian Film Festival in Melbourne, she is now all set to represent an apparel brand in Kerala. According to sources, the shoot will be held at Malayatoor, on the outskirts of Kochi.
Though she has been part of many advertisements, this will be her first brand as an ambassador, we hear. The whole Kahaani is that the Dirty picture actress has been paid Rs 30 Lakh for being the brand ambassador for this particular apparel located in Ernakulam, Kerala.
Tagged as the perfect Indian beauty seen mostly in Sarees designed by designer Sabayachi, she has carried off that ‘saree clad woman’ look with ease at every place possible, by not going the western way. After the two recent big hits to Box-office, The Dirty Picture and Kahaani, got attractive satellite right prices and even got good revenues from overseas markets, Vidya is started being called as the ‘Hero’ of the movie by both her filmmakers, Milan Luthria and Sujoy Ghosh. But this Hero is still to break into the Rs. 2 crore price bracket, whereas Katrina and Deepika are already being offered 2.5-3cr without any negotiation.